I received two different products from a shop on etsy by the name of MaryJanesTouch on Etsy!
The first item that she sent me a bar of shop that she sells in her shop that is called " Candy Crush Hemp Soap". Just by the name I was instantly intrigued into trying out this product for myself. I love the texture of this soap, it has little chunks in it which makes it look just like candy, which is pretty cool. This soap is super moisturizing and made my hands reallllllly soft. This is the perfect bar of soap for the kitchen or bathroom!

As you can tell from this photo that this is a pretty big sized bar of soap it is approximately 4 oz. I also love that this came inside of box. This way it didn't melt or break on it's trip to Florida :) As far as scent goes I was really expecting this soap to be super potent and sweet smelling, but it really wasn't. Now don't get me wrong, this still smells really good, I was just expecting it to be a bit more powerful with it's scent. This is still a really nice bar of soap, and I will definitely keep using it and might even purchase more in the future :)

Next up we have this Apple Mango Scrub. Now this stuff was amazing! This is only the sample size. The one you can purchase in her shop is inside of an 8 oz container. I loved this stuff probably way to much. lol The scent was amazing and really powerful and sweet smelling. I used this to exfoliate before I shaved and it really did an amazing job. I am super mad at myself because for some reason I forgot to take a picture of what the actual texture of this product is like.....
Retails:($8.00 for the full size)

So I am borrowing this picture from her shop so you can kind of get a feel for what this stuff looks like. As you can see in the container its green. You can also see how this texture look, it really feels just like sugar. I loved using this product and I'm sad that it's all gone now :( lol

Now these products would be great for anyone, you could make a really cute gift basket out of a few of these items for a friend, which I think would be a really thoughtful gift :)
Make sure you check her shop out here:

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