I was super excited to get my Ipsy bag this month and couldn't wait for it to finally arrive!
This month's theme is "Prep School" which is super creative and clever just because it's back to school time.

This months bag isn't particularly my favorite. I mean its okay, its not the cutest and its not ugly either. I'll probably end up using it for something.

The first item I got was an Argan Oil for my hair. I was super excited when I seen this because I use a lot of different types of hair oils out, and I'm always open for trying different products. This product is by the Marc Anthony. I've never owned any of his products before but I've heard really good things about them. I have only tried this one time so far and I really like it.

The next one is eyeliner/lip liner pencil. I wasn't to excited when I seen this just because I typically don't hardly use these. The color that this is in is a plum/red/purple color, not usually a color I would wear. I am open to trying new things so I'm sure ill get around to trying this out and who knows I might be impressed!

The next product is a eyeliner pen. This came at the person time, I just ran out of my other one. I'm a huge fan of eyeliner pens, I usually never stick to the same one. I've tried so many of these out, so I was excited about another one. I used this only once as well and I liked it too, it wasn't like outrageously amazing but it did the job :)

Face primer is next, I love these types of products and I love that it is by the brand Too Faced. I've always wanted to try their products and now I can :) I haven't gotten around to trying this one out but I'm sure I'm going to love it!

The last product is a night cream. I've never used one of these in my life lol. I am glad that its something new to test out and I'm excited to see if I like it or not. I'm not a fan of how its packaged however, I'm not sure how many times ill be able to try this out but it doesn't look like there is a lot of product at all

Overall this month's ipsy bag was pretty good. I received a few items I wouldn't typically buy for myself but I'm excited to try them out and see how it goes.
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