Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Disney Home Sign From Katies Sunshine Shop! Review

Today I will be sharing with you all probably one of my favorite new decor pieces I have in my house. If anyone knows me then you know I am a Disney fanatic. I am beyond obsessed with Disney and I tend to go to Disney World as frequent as I can. I am an annual pass holder and I try to get there at least 2 times a month. I absolutely love it. I go so often I truly consider Disney my 2nd home at heart. Which is why this piece that I found is just absolutely perfect for me!

I stumbled upon her Etsy store and I immediately fell in love with everything that she has posted on her site. If Disney isnt really your thang, then done worry. This shop offers a huge range of different signs that are perfect for pretty much any home decor you might already have. I had to pick this one just because it's so perfect for me!

So not only does this sign look fabulous! It is super sturdy and is made out of really nice wood. You can tell this shop owner truly takes time into making these pieces. These signs are hand painted and not just stuck with vinyl which really makes a huge difference as well. In the photos it's kind of hard to tell but the castle is actually sprinkled with "Pixie Dust". It looks beautiful and it was seriously one of the best finishing touches she could have done to make this piece look more perfect! Another awesome thing about this piece is that not one sign will look just like another. All the wood pieces she has are all different and they have different markings and knots on them which really make them stand out from one another.

If you are purchasing this sign the dimensions for this particular one is " 9-1/4" x 24" x 3/4". Its really the perfect size. I hung this right next to my front door and I just love it! These signs come with hardware already attached which is a huge extra  bonus for me! I'm terrible when it comes to just hanging things up, and this just eliminates a whole step for me which is awesome!

Final thoughts on Katie's Sunshine Shop? I am blown away. The piece is truly amazing. I love the design. I love how it looks in my home. I love how it gives me a little Disney touch to my home. I love how durable it is. I can tell I am going to have this sign forever. I have nothing bad to say at all about this sign, or this shop. I am blown away with everything. The shop owner Katie is also super friendly and helpful as well. 

I would now like to thanks Katie's Sunshine Shop for being included in my blog! I wish you the best and I am so honored to have included such an amazing shop!

If any of you are in interested in purchasing this sign here is the link:


 Make sure you check out here links below:

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