I received a very beautiful and personalized piece from a shop on Etsy by the name of StytchesInTime
She sent me a personalized wall hanging that she calls "Love the Mouse". This whole wall hanging is compltetly her own design, she didn't use any pattern at all, which just blows my mind! There are so many small details all over this wall hanging. My favorite is the little mickey head buttons in the corners which is just adorable! You can see all the time put into this beautiful piece which is incredible.

On the back side of the wall hanging its red with while polka dots to match the front! towards the top she added 3 round pieces of plastic so I can easily hang this up on my wall. This is going to look so great once I hang it on my wall I can't wait.

Also included in my package was a hand written note, which was super nice and thoughtful. You can see how professional she is with her work. I am so grateful that I had this opportunity to work with her. I highly suggest checking out her shop. She sells a variety of handmade items including blankets and wallets. You will not be disappointed with her work and I promise you that!

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