Monday, August 17, 2015

ImaginePlus on Etsy! Interview :)

I had the opportunity to interview the owner of  ImaginationPlus on Etsy!

Location: Willow Grove, PA

Age: 30

Name of shop: Imagination Plus

How'd you come up with the name of your shop: When I was explaining to
people what I could make I kept saying "It's all about whatever you
can IMAGINE PLUS my craftyness" so it kind of gre into Imagination

How long has your shop been open: it's been open for a bit over a year
but I have only truly devoted time to it for the past 4 months

What gave you the idea about opening an etsy shop: My friends were
constantly asking me to make them things and then it spread into "hey
open an Etsy Shop" so I did!

Is this a hobby of your or do you do this full time?: it is a hobby
for now but I would love to do it full time so I can spend more time
with my son!

What kind of items do you sell in your shop: Vehicle decals and cute
custom shirts, bibs, and onesies.

Your favorite item that you sell: I have a few items that are not yet
up in my Etsy store but I love making the periodic table shirts that
says "CuTe BaBY" or "NErDy" because it combines my career (I'm an
analytical chemist by day) as well as my hobby

Something you want to happen to your shop in the future: I'd like to
expand it to an actual store front and run it on my own terms

Do you have any plans for your shop products in the future: YES!

If so what: I am going to be adding? more periodic element designs,
cute bib designs, and other cute/funny/possibly inappropriate, yet
humorous, shirts

What is something you want your future customers to know about your
shop: I love working with people to create things they are going to
love so if you have an idea lets work together to make it a work of

My favorite item that is sold at this shop is a Disney item, but of course lol. I think this shirt is super adorable and I absolutely love it, too bad I'm not a kid or I would own this shirt and that's for sure lol

Make sure you check this shop out here!: